Watch cleaning: Everything you need to know

We all wear a wristwatch because it is a valuable accessory that successfully complements the look. But how many of us know the importance of regular cleaning? It accompanies us everywhere: at work, at the gym, on our afternoon or evening walks. Because of daily use, it quickly loses its shine. If you don't want this to happen, make sure you take good care of it. To learn how to clean a watch without damaging it, keep reading.

How to clean your watch?

The watch should be cleaned once a month if you want it to last longer. To clean it, you will need a large bowl, liquid dish soap, toothpaste, toothbrush and a microfiber cloth. Before you start cleaning, you need to make sure that the watch you have is waterproof.

The "water resistant" and "water proof" mark indicates that your watch is waterproof and water resistant. Watches with a water resistance of 3 atm are waterproof only in accidental contact with water and are unsuitable for hand washing and swimming while watches that read 10 atm can be used for hand washing, swimming etc. Once you are sure it is waterproof, gently wipe the case, strap or bracelet with the microfiber cloth. This will remove the original dust from the watch.

Cleaning of metal bracelet, leather strap and silicone

Then try to remove the watch bracelet with careful movements. Usually, when you buy a watch, there are instructions for carefully removing the bracelet. But if you are afraid to separate your watch or if you don't know exactly how to do it, don't attempt it. Fill the bowl with lukewarm water and liquid dish soap. Mix it well until it becomes a soapy mess and put the watch in it for a few minutes. When you take it out, use a dry and soft cloth and wipe it well.

If you manage to remove the watch bracelet from its case, the cleaning will be more effective because you will pay more attention to each individual item. The leather straps of wristwatches often acquire an unpleasant smell and get dirty more easily than the bracelet, due to sweat and moisture. To clean it, wet a cloth, add some liquid soap and rub the strap thoroughly.

Then wipe it with a dry cloth. To keep its shine longer, apply a special cream for leather straps that you can find on the market. With a damp cloth, you can easily clean silicone straps as well.

For the metal bracelet of a wristwatch, you will need the toothbrush. Wipe first with the micro cloth, then use warm water and liquid soap in a bowl and dip it in.

Later, with the toothbrush, scrub it well to remove the dirt in the recesses of the bracelet. But don't apply too much pressure so as not to scratch it. Put it back in clean warm water and dry it. You will follow the same procedure to clean a titanium bracelet. Titanium is a durable metal lighter than steel. If you clean it regularly, it will not lose its shine.

Maintenance and cleaning of wooden watches

Nowadays, there are also wooden wristwatches on the market. If you often wear such a watch, it is necessary to clean it once every fourteen days. You will need half a teaspoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Add them to a cup and mix them together. Then take a cotton cloth and place the mixture on the wooden watch.

Leave the solution on the watch for at least twelve hours and then wipe it off with a dry cloth. The oil is useful for moisturizing the wood, while the lemon cleans the dirty spots.

Get rid of scratches on glass!

In addition, you can also polish the glass of the watch and remove micro scratches. Get a GOI general polishing paste, put a small amount on a cloth and apply to the glass in a circular motion. If you can't find this paste, apply some toothpaste to the crystal and remove it with circular motions and a damp cloth.

In addition to monthly cleaning of the wristwatch, daily cleaning is also necessary. For daily care, you will need a few minutes of your free time. Just use a fine cloth and wipe it down. Focus more on the back of the watch and the joint as this is where most dust and soap or perfume residue collects.

Finally, it is important to store the watch properly when not in use. Remember not to put it near chemicals and places that are damp. Protect it from sunlight as well. If your watch has deep scratches visit our workshop. We, as experts will take better and professional care of your beloved watch.

4 thoughts on "Watch cleaning: Everything you need to know"


    Good morning Sotiri.

    I hope you are well.

    Regarding the liquid cleaning spray of "POLYWATCH" , if you are familiar with this product ( apart from the

    ointment that is only for watch glass and you showed me ),

    and the spray is accompanied by two cloths,

    do you know if it is for cleaning ONLY the bracelet-strap

    watches or is it suitable for watch glass as well?

    • SOTIRIOS says:

      The "POLYWATCH" spray can be used to clean the entire watch, it just offers only cleaning and not polishing, which was your goal. From what I understood at least!

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